Terms of Services

Net Metering:

A system in which solar panels or other renewable energy generators are connected to a public-utility power grid and surplus power is transferred onto the grid, allowing customers to offset the cost of power drawn from the utility.


A measure of 1,000 watts of electrical power.

Solar Panels:

A panel designed to absorb the sun’s rays as a source of energy for generating electricity or heating.


An apparatus which converts direct current into alternating current.

String inverters: A device used with solar arrays to convert the energy that is generated (Direct Current) to usable electricity for a home (Alternating Current). They are connected to multiple solar panels forcing the performance to be equal to the worst performing panel. If one panel goes out then all the panels go out. 

Microinverters: are small power inverters designed to be mounted on the individual panels of a photovoltaic (PV) solar electric system, in contrast to conventional, centralized inverters that are larger and designed to handle the output of many PV panels. We only use micro inverters
Photovoltaic (PV):
Alternative current:
Direct Current:

Roof techs mini: residential roof mount base featuring Roof Tech Inc’s Self-flashing AlphaSealâ„¢ PV Mounting Technology. The RT-MINI II is designed to attach conventional rail mounting systems for any sloped roofs consisting of metal, EPDM, TPO, and asphalt, is engineered to withstand wind speeds up to 180 mph and ground snow up to 90 PSF. The main difference between RT-MINI II and conventional flashing is the faster installation time because RT-MINI II is fastened with wood screws, eliminating the need for pilot holes. As a result, there is no damage to the seal on asphalt shingles. RT-MINI II is fully waterproof and certified by the International Code Council (ICC-ESR 3575)

Aluminum mounting Rails: We use aluminum rails to prevent corrosion and because of how light weight and durable aluminum is.

Financing: we offer homeowners financing from the biggest lenders in the solar industry, with interest rates as low as 1.99% as long as they or someone they know has a credit score above 650, they can get up to 125,000 dollars with a 25 year payback period.

Electrical Grid:
An electrical grid is an interconnected network for electricity delivery from producers to consumers. Electrical grids vary in size and can cover whole countries or continents. Grids are nearly always synchronous, meaning all distribution areas operate with three phase alternating current frequencies synchronized. This allows transmission of AC power throughout the area, connecting a large number of electricity generators and consumers and potentially enabling more efficient electricity markets and redundant generation.

Kilowatt hours:
A measure of electrical energy equivalent to a power consumption of 1,000 watts for 1 hour.


A consideration or amount that diminishes or balances the effect of a contrary one.
“an offset against taxable profits”
We attempt to offset 110% of the amount of electricity used from their electric company through the use of solar panels .

AC Current, is electric current which is generally used to power homes and businesses.

DC Current, Direct Current (DC) Power refers to the unidirectional flow of electrons and is the form of power that is most commonly produced by sources such as solar cells and batteries.

Ground-Mounted, is an array of solar panels which are installed on the ground or land.

Renewable Energy, it refers to the kind of energy that comes from sources that occur naturally, and that renew themselves continually. These renewable sources of energy include wind, sun, tidal, and geothermal heat.

Solar (Monitoring), Monitoring is the process where software is used to track or manage the solar system’s activities. These activities will include power production, usage, carbon offsets, and more.

Solar Power Plant, A solar power plant is a vast solar array whose purpose is to generate solar energy for large commercial and utility use.